The Youth Inclusive Entrepreneurial Development Initiative for Employment (YIEDIE) is 5-year program designed to create economic opportunities in Ghana’s construction sector for disadvantaged youth, implemented by Global Communities with The MasterCard Foundation. YIEDIE will directly reach at least 23,700 of these youth with training in technical, life and/or entrepreneurship skills leading to employment.

The project will apply an integrated youth-led market-systems model to improve the capacity of youth and service providers across the value chain. Youth will benefit from having job opportunities and higher income. Sector stakeholders such as private firms, financial service providers, training institutions and government are expected to benefit from improved coordination and capacity.

YIEDIE targets five of Ghana’s six largest cities-Accra, Kumasi, Sekondi-Takoradi, Ashaiman, and Tema. We will target approximately 113,000 15-24 year olds in these cities who have dropped out of school, living on less than US$2/day.

YIEDIE has two objectives:

  1. Increased employment (including self-employment) in the construction sector by targeted youth; and
  2. Increased coordination and support for a better enabling environment by construction sector stakeholders.

YIEDIE will be implemented through five components:

  1. Youth Readiness for Employment and Entrepreneurship
  2. Access to Financial Service Providers Capable of Serving Youth
  3. Access to Demand-Driven Training and Service Providers
  4. Youth Enterprise Start-Up and Recruitment by Employers
  5. Collaboration for positive Government Policies

YIEDIE is expected to reach at least 25% of the potential population with information about YIEDIE to encourage enrolment with at least 23,700 youth directly served through targeted training, new jobs/better employment, increased income and increased savings.
Over 14,000 youth will gain technical construction skills through participating in an apprenticeship program, enhanced with entrepreneurship, life skills and safety and health training. Other youth will receive the training that they need to become entrepreneurs in the construction sector along with support in microenterprise start-up or growth. All youth will receive financial literacy education.
Expected Impact: Outcomes for the 23,700 targeted youth include an increased income for 90%; 90% with new jobs or better employment; and increased savings by 90%.
Young Executive Business Growth Program (YEBGP)
The main objective of the YEBGP is to provide Advisory services to 1,220 youth and Micro Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) over the next five years with a goal to achieve a success rate of 90 percent as well as attain up to a 40 percent increment in women entrepreneurs. The target is aimed at training and supporting the youth in five metropolitan areas nationwide: Accra, Kumasi, Sekondi Takoradi, Ashiaman and Tema. The desired result is intended to provide the beneficiaries with access to local and global opportunities.
The fundamental requirements needed to be eligible to participate in the YEBG program comprise age bracket and Educational level. For a participant to be qualified to enrol into the YEBGP, that youth should have been appraised through a checklist and said individual must be successful in meeting the requirements. Essentially, the youth has to fall within the age range seventeen to twenty-four years (17-24); holding a basic level education certificate with aggregate 30 or better (can read and write); being a YES Ghana and OICG alumnae and a member of AAG; with evidence of active participation in youth and community activities either as a member or leader; must be a start-up business owner/part owner with comprehensive business plans and should be a certified entrepreneurial skills developer to help indicate their specific areas of interest.


To enrol on the YEBGP, contact
The Country/Program Manager,