The AABN Work Process African Aurora Business Network prides itself in bringing a logical and straightforward process in service delivery to our clients and project beneficiaries. This outline provides an overview of our engagement process.
- Description of the Situation
To gain an understanding of how our clients/beneficiaries perceive its current state, the necessary quantitative and qualitative data are gathered to establish a baseline upon which future performance can then be compared. This is undertaken through structured data gathering tools.
2. Goals
The goals and objectives of our Clients/beneficiaries is the focal point of our engagement. The expectation of our clients/beneficiaries will be presented in two ways:
- Vision of the future – an explanation of their future state
- Quantitative and qualitative measures of success and performance
- Strategies
After clear communication of the desires and concerns of our clients/beneficiaries, a plan will be constructed to clarify the methods to be used; resources needed and impact on stakeholder groups, including:
- Development of plans necessary to accomplish the goals
- Necessary alignments, integrations and linkages
- Roles and responsibilities of those involved centrally
- Deliverables
The tangible products and services to be delivered from our engagements include:
- Design of strategies, systems and processes
- Creation of tangible or physical products
- Implementation of systems, policies and procedures
- Evaluation
Finally, AABN urges clients/beneficiaries to measure the effectiveness of the deliverables following the engagement to ensure that clients/beneficiaries have received the value they expected, which might include:
- Organisational, functional or operational performance measures
- Individual or group feedback or post-assessments